Rum is helping me cope with the fact that I'm moving to Europe in the VERY near future. Well, I've always been a rum lover, but recently ... maybe, just maybe ... it's gotten out of hand.
My very best friend, Courtney, has been helping me deal. :) ...
Recently, we've been having some very exciting escapades... You should know that Court LOVES to go on walks when we have any sort of alcohol in our system. Recently, when she was over on a random weekday night, we decided to take a walk around the neighborhood (I'm very impressionable, so I agreed).
Before getting too far into the story, you should know ... each house on an air force military base has the rank, first inital, and last name posted on the front of the house.
So, one night, Court and I decided it was a GENIOUS idea to assign a first name to every airman on my block. Everyone, inculding my unknown neighbor, (Msgt Jack Johnson, we decided), got a name. Then, suddenly, we came upon Ssgt R Paddilla. WTF? At the time... there were absolutely no "R" men names in our vocabulary. So ... (very brilliantily, I thought of Romeo). Romeo! Romeo Padilla. What else could it be?! At that point, Nathan walks out of the front door and discovers Court and I are naming everyone on the block. Shit.
Well. Next day....
Nathan and I wake up, and I'm trying to find my cellular so I can text Court and make sure she's survived her hangover.
No. Cell. Phone.
Obviouvly, Romeo Padillia stole it ... who else?!
Nathan and I search and search. No luck. So, he starts calling it. After the second time of two full rounds of calls, a random (unknown) man answers. A man at the base Bomb Wing Building has found my cell phone! WTF?!?! We couldn't figure out how it got there. I didn't care. I thought it was friggin hilarious.... Nathan went to the 509 building, got my phone, and all was good (as I was rolling on the kitchen floor, laughing my ass off!).... And all was good, good. And a drunken story was in the making ... I didn't even care about all of the dirty looks he gave me !!! It was funny.
THEN. Several days later... Courtney came over so we could "unwind" from a random weekday night. We played Skip-bo (greatest card game on the planet) ... when we were done (who cares who won ... it was probably me, i'm a winner, ya know ...) ... We decided we wanted to swing, so we found the nearest playground with real swings (something other than toddler swings - they're EVERYWHERE!) ... So, Court and I drunken "swang" ... THEN, for the first time in my 24 years, she taught me how to jump off of a moving swing. I was terrified. But i DID it. Rumly, I jumped off of a moving swing for the very first time. Whoop. I was so so so excited. So we went home. She stayed with the kids while I took Nathan to the park to show him my new "skill". He was semi-impressed. OK, he didn't care, but I was still exctied. However, after jumping off of the fast moving swing, and not getting hurt.... I was on cloud nine....
Then we began our track home. AND. I twisted my friggin ankle on the damn side walk. Walking home, i slid off of the side walk. Apparently, I can jump off of a swing, but now can't walk on a side walk. Boo. We'll see how next weekend goes...
We're working on packing closests for Europe now...
Need anything?!