Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Securing the Blessings of Liberty ... with Velcro?

"There's nothing more important to our country's future than the education we give our kids."  - President Barack Obama,  August 18, 2012

I couldn't agree more. But I'm starting to wonder what, exactly, does our president mean when he says that? What education is it that he wants to give my children?

I'm starting to have an idea. And it's nothing short of terrifying. 

I'm a single mother of three. Tomorrow, my daughter will start second grade, my son will walk into Kindergarten for the first time, and my youngest will embark on the world of preschool. After the four of us walk through these huge life moments within the span of about an hour, I'll proceed to a high pressure, full-time job that pays just enough to keep my family afloat. At the end of a very long day, I'll tuck my children tight into bed, turn on my computer, and open my books... 

You see, I'm also a college student. 

Tonight I opened my American Government textbook, and before I made it through the first chapter, I was shocked at what I’d discovered. The general consensus in our nation is that you can expect our educators to lean left. I've come to accept that somehow. We've seen first-hand that grade school teachers are attempting to indoctrinate progressive ideas on our children. Never once did I understand how deep the liberal indoctrination goes. I'm aware that believing everything I see on TV, read on the Internet, or hear on talk radio is foolish. But I'm absolutely appalled that I can no longer trust a textbook to teach me the true history of this country that I love so much.

The purpose presented in the first chapter of my book was to explain the Preamble to the Constitution by breaking it down piece by piece. The text briefs me on who the people of "We the People" are, explains what it means to provide for the common defense, and.... tells me why government is so valuable to me. 

The book explains that our government is securing the "Blessing of Liberty" by helping to provide Plan B (and Claritin) over the counter. That because of this great government, I'm able to obtain a low-interest student loan. OH! And how, without my big, majestic government, might I be able to enjoy a four-wheel-drive vehicle?

But wait. This section is supposed to be teaching me the basic functions of the government... as the Founders intended. Is the American Government's function to provide me with a cell phone? To help me prevent an unplanned pregnancy? 

Establish a country with justice. Insure my homeland is peaceful. Provide Americans a military they can count on. Promote a general Welfare among us. Secure my blessing of liberty. 
Where exactly does Velcro come into play here? But thank you, federal government, for blessing me with it. It makes getting shoes on my four year old significantly easier.

As a little girl, I grew up being shown the realities of America and the sad truth of "left" vs. "right". I also saw that this country provided the best chance anyone could ever have of making something of their lives – regardless of party affiliation. How lucky was I to be born in this country?! Very early on, I became a great patriot. A person with a deep, passionate love for America. I couldn't wait to grow up. To experience the American Dream myself. And then to one day tell my kids "This is America! This is the land I love! And this is why ..." That moment seems more and more like a fantasy as this progressive movement continues to reach deeper into our lives. Where will it stop? When will we as parents - as Americans - demand it cease? To me, it's now. I don't want my grandchildren telling their children stories of what America "used to be". Of how great my parents had it. I want them to look back and say: "If she could only see us now!" If our colleges are teaching us this nonsense, under the cover of historical facts, what's coming? 

This movement isn’t just spouting off lines to create powerful sound bites. The “you didn’t build that” mentality is being taught to our children. As a parent… as a freedom-loving American … I’m not ok with this. 

Chapter 1: "The Political Landscape"  
Section 4:  "Functions of American Government"
Subsection: “Securing the Blessings of Liberty”

Americans enjoy a wide range of liberties and freedoms and feel free to prosper. They are free to criticize the government and to petition it when they disagree with its policies or have a grievance. This is perhaps the best way to "secure the Blessings of Liberty."
Taken together, these principal functions of government and the guarantees they provide to citizens permeate our lives. Whether it is your ability to obtain a low-interest student loan, buy a formerly prescription-only drug such as Claritin or Plan B over the counter, or be licensed to drive a car at a particular age, government plays a major role. And, without government-sponsored research, we would not have cell phones, the Internet, four-wheel-drive vehicles, or even Velcro.

Essentials of American government : roots and reform / karen O'Connor, Larry J. Sabato, Alixandra B. Yanus.-2011 ed.

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